Wednesday, August 8, 2018

 i don't know exactly when

my father realized
wasn't all he thought it would be
he quelled his disappointment with beer 
and often gave in to rage
and regurgitated that disappointment 
unto my mother
and myself
he preferred a backhand
but scars inside my mouth
and holes in the drywall
of my childhood home
prove otherwise

i don't know exactly when

my mother accepted
'I love you'
with less pleasure
and impetuous pain
in a lonely life 
she'd work herself to death for

i don't know exactly when

i started to carve out my own 
version of love
in the flesh of boys
in the soothing comfort it gave me 
in feeling their heat rising
and in my own euphoria 
from their touch

i made men ardent lovers
but kept my heart locked 
to keep earthed
all other emotions 
i would never again
let them steal from me

i don't know exactly when 

i put down all my armor 
and sat in the sun too long 
with you
i didn't notice the shriveling of me
like a raisin 
nor, did i notice 
the loss of life
until i was too broken
to fight

and i learned again 
that my body and soul 
and weary heart,
were merely casualties of life's  war
 as you might
never comes 

[... but he does.]


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