Friday, May 11, 2012

The Moon

So today celebrates the
40th Anniversary
of mans first steps on the moon.
An Amazing feat, indeed!..
But please forgive me,
I'm not the scientific type
who has the need to
travel through our solar system
to step foot on the fifth largest planet
which has no breathable air
and leaves you feeling weightless
from lack of gravity.
That's what the deep end of the pool is for.
I am, however, all for celebrating the moon.
The Man *In* The Moon
still winks at me from time to time,
He still listens to all my wishes and dreams,
and keeps my darkest secrets.
He's even been witness to the making,
and a key ingredient
of some of my greatest memories.
We've been through a lot together
these 37 years;
my life, the moon and I.
I feel a strange likeness to him
Sometimes full of light
and other days barely able to shine.
People have walked all over me at times too,
but we're still making history,
spreading light, granting wishes,
and smiling at the planet.
We've drifted,
but we're rotating
in perfect synchronicity
round the same Sun.
Goodnight, Moon.

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