ok, because we are all dying to know..
these are the top 49 most influencial men
(according to
Chris Angel #47
ok, hes not like.. 'get a fire hose!' kinda hot..
but i would easily be influenced..
because he is hot, and kind of a freak..
which is SO damn hot in its own right.
but you really have to wonder what sex would be like
with a 'magician' ?..
with a 'magician' ?..
..ropes, handcuffs, i mean.. shitloads of toys ..
Talk about exciting!..
Talk about exciting!..
as long as he doesnt just vanish on u
right b4 climax.
i do have some discretion with the order of these boys however..
... Ryan Seacrest #44 ???????
what is this world coming to!??!
he could influence me to a good manicure.. AND THATS IT!
~ how did that guy even make the list??
some of the boys.. not so bad..
i was delighted to see Robert Downey Jr. @ #4
not that I'd mind being under his influence at all..
even if he,
was under the unfluence too. ;)
was under the unfluence too. ;)
(all puns completely intended)